Ji Qiang   

Senior Scientist
Advanced Modeling Program
Accelerator Technology and Applied Physics Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

MS 71B-259.
One Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720

email: jqiang@lbl.gov
Tel: 510-495-2608  

Research interests:

Large-scale particle simulations
Physics of beams
Numerical methods
High performance computing for scientific applications

Some synergistic activities:

Fellow of American Physical Society
Member of international committee for future accelerators (ICFA) beam dynamics panel
Member of scientific programm committee of 14th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference
Member of scientific programm committee of Space Charge Workshop 2024
Member of international organizing committee of Beam-Beam Effects in Circular Collider BB24
International organizing committee member of 2023 high intensity and high-brightness hadron beams workshop
Co-convener of snowmass 2021 computational frontier theoretical calculations and simulation working group
International advisor committee member of ICFA mini-workshop on mitigation of coherent beam instabilities in particle accelerators
Lecturer of CERN accelerator school, numerical methods for analysis, design, and modeling particle accelerators
Chair of the ICFA mini-workshop on beam-beam effects in circular colliders

Selected first author papers:(Full list)

Beam Physics:

"Strong-strong simulations of combined beam-beam and wakefield effects in the Electron Ion Collider"
"Differentiable self-consistent space-charge simulation for accelerator design"
"X-ray free electron laser linear accelerator without a laser heater"
"Simulation of space-charge effects using a quantum Schrodinger approach"
"X-ray FEL linear accelerator design via start-to-end global optimization"
"Fixed field phase shifters for a multipass recirculating superconducting proton linac"
"Advances in the simulation of space-charge effects"
"Fast longitudinal beam dynamics optimization in x-ray free electron laser linear accelerators"
"Long-term simulation of space-charge effects"
"Mitigation of envelope instability through fast acceleration in linear accelerators"
"Symplectic particle-in-cell model for space-charge beam dynamics simulation"
"Simulation of beam-beam interaction with crab cavities for LHC upgrade"
"Three-dimensional envelope instability in periodic focusing channels"
"Start-to-end simulation of the shot-noise driven microbunching instability experiment at the Linac Coherent Light Source"
"Symplectic multiparticle tracking model for self-consistent space-charge simulation"
"Wide energy bandwidth superconducting accelerating cavities"
"Start-to-end simulation of x-ray radiation of a next generation light source using the real number of electrons"
"Suppression of microbunching instability using bending magnets in FEL linacs"
"Generation of multi-color attosecond coherent x-ray radiation through modulation compression"
"Generation of attosecond coherent x-ray radiation through modulation compression"
"Short wavelength seeding through compression for free electron lasers"
"Particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo simulation of ion back bombardment in a high average current RF photo-gun"
"High resolution simulation of beam dynamics in electron linacs for x-ray free electron lasers"
"A 3D model for ion beam formation and transport simulation"
"A three-dimensional quasi-static model for high brightnees beam dynamics simulation", "Erratum"
"A parallel particle-in-cell model for beam-beam interactions in high energy ring colliders"
"Space-charge driven emittance growth in a 3D mismatched anisotropic beam"
"Smooth approximation with acceleration in an alternating phase focusing superconducting linac"
"Macroparticle simulation studies of a proton beam halo experiment"
"Self-consistent Langevin simulation of Coulomb collisions in charged-particle beams"
"An object-oriented parallel particle-in-cell code for beam dynamics simulation in linear accelerators"
"Beam halo studies using a three-dimensional particle-core model"

Computational Methods:

"A parallel variable population multi-objective optimizer for accelerator beam dynamics optimization"
"Advances in global optimization of high brightness beams"
"Fast 3D Poisson solvers in elliptical conducting pipe for space-charge simulation"
"A fast parallel 3D Poisson solver with longitudinal periodic and transverse open boundary conditions for space-charge simulations"
"A fast numerical integrator for relativistic charged particle tracking"
"Tuning of an adaptive unified differential evolution algorithm for global optimization"
"Efficient three-dimensional Poisson solvers in open rectangular conducting pipe"
"A high-order fast method for computing convolution integral with smooth kernel"
"Particle-field decomposition and domain decomposition in parallel particle-in-cell beam dynamics simulation"
"Three-dimensional Poisson solver for a charged beam with large aspect ratio in a conducting pipe"
"Parallel 3D Poisson solver for a charged beam in a conducting pipe"
"A second-order stochastic leap-frog algorithm for multiplicative noise Brownian motion"


"A proposal to fight tornadoes with multiple connected balloons"
"The scientists making the atomic bombs"


"IMPACT: Integrated Map and Particle Tracking Code"
"IMPACT-T: A 3D Parallel Particle Tracking Code in Time Domain"
"BeamBeam3D: A 3D Parallel Beam-Beam Simulation Code"
"BELT: BEam Longitudinal Tracking (forward or backward)"
"PVPmoo: A Parallel Variable Population Multi-Objective Optimizer"

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